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Hi Everyone,

If you haven’t guessed already, I Heart Bob Barker!

I fell in love with Bob when my grandma was on The Price is Right back in ’97. She was obsessed with the show, so when she got picked to “come on down,” she went nuts! She couldn't stop giving Bob the thumbs-up. No one realized that the adorable "thumbs up granny" (what she was called in her retirement home newsletter) was really a total Price is Right shark that had been been studying the games since the ’70s. Luck got her through the first rounds with the wheel spinning and whatnot, but the Final Showcase was pure strategy. Since she was the big winner, she got to pick the showcase. Hers included a Ford Crown Victoria, and since it's such a little old lady car, of course she knew how much it cost. Nana also knew that prices on the show are about 30% higher on average, so she put it altogether and came up with the winning number -- $22,500!

Then she donated the car to PETA.

Balls out, right? I loved it, but my mom was PISSED. Nana said that was her way of honoring Bob Barker and the important work he does for animal rights. So I can relate to the peeps like Nana who are into the guy and his mission – plus I have a major soft spot for good kitsch, bad tattoos, and strays like myself.

So this website is my way of honoring my Grandma, who passed away a couple of months ago. She was a bad ass, and she was as passionate about spaying and neutering pets as they come. I’m with her on that note (well, that and pissing off my mom!)

So spay and neuter your damn pets!   Do it for Bob Barker.  Do it for Nana.

– Suze

nana price is right


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